Salary Schedules
Bullard ISD Pay Schedules
2024-2025 Compensation Schedule
Bullard ISD employees can view detailed employee salary information by logging in to true time and following the menu path below:
- Employee Information>Personal Info>Personnel>Assignments
- Under Assignment Information select the correct Assignment Year from the drop down menu
- Click arrow next to the listed Position and select "Expand All"
There may be more information that you need when you "Expand All", but you will want to pay close attention to these specific sections:
- Assignment Information for Pay grade
- Term Information for Calendar
- Salary Information for Annual Salary
- Payroll Information for Daily and Hourly Rate
How to read Bullard ISD Salary Schedules and Job Descriptions
The Bullard ISD Salary Schedules are divided by salary (Administrative Professional/Teacher scale) and hourly positions(Clerical Paraprofessional and Auxillary Schedules). Positions on the same salary level may work different numbers of days, so it is important to note the number of days assigned to the position.
The chart will outline minimum, midpoint, and maximum salaries a position that falls in that range has the possibility of making. Most employees will make between the minimum and midpoint ranges. The new salary schedules were implemented as a plan to allow room for growth over time within Bullard ISD as we develop into a larger district. Annual pay increases are calculated off the midpoint salary for a pay grade level.